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夏琉璃香管 | 拜登总统在华沙就俄罗斯入侵乌克兰发表的讲话 中英文全部内容
“Be not afraid.” These are the first words that the first public address of the first polish pope after his election on October 1978. “不要害怕。”这是第一位波兰人教皇在1978年10月份当选后第一次公开演讲时的第一句话。 There were the words would come to define pope John Paul II. Words that would change the world. 这句话将定义教皇约翰·保罗二世,也改变了世界。 John Paul brought the message here to Warsaw and his first trip back home as pope in June of 1979. It was a message about the power — the power of faith, the power of resilience, and the power of the people. 1979年6月,约翰·保罗作为教皇首次回家时,将这一信息带到了华沙。这是一个关于力量的信息——信仰的力量、韧性的力量和人民的力量。 In the face of a cruel and brutal system of government, it was a message that helped end the Soviet repression in the Central land and Eastern Europe 30 years ago. It was a message that will overcome the cruelty and brutality of this unjust war. 面对残忍、暴虐的政府制度,这一信息帮助结束了30年前苏联在中欧和东欧的残酷镇压。这是一个将攻克这场残酷和残暴的不公正战争的信息。 When Pope John Paul brought that message in 1979, the Soviet Union ruled with an iron fist behind an Iron Curtain. 1979年,当教皇约翰保罗传达出这一信息时,苏联用铁幕后的铁拳维持统治。 Then a year later, the Solidarity movement took hold in Poland. And while I know he couldn’t be here tonight, we’re all grateful in America and around the world for Lech Wałęsa. (Applause.) 一年后,团结运动在波兰扎根。虽然我知道他今晚不能够来这里,但我们生活在美国以及世界各地的人都感谢莱赫·瓦文萨(前团结会领导人)。 It reminds me of that phrase of philosopher Kierkegaard: “[F]aith sees best in the dark.” And there were dark moments. 这让我想起了哲学家克尔凯郭尔的一句话:“信仰在黑暗之中看得最清楚。” 而现在正是这至暗的时刻。 Ten years later, the Soviet Union collapsed, and Poland and Central and Eastern Europe would soon be free. Nothing about that battle for freedom was simple or easy. It was a long, painful slog fought over not days and months, but years and decades. 十年后,苏联解体,波兰、中欧和东欧在不久后获得自由。但这场争取自由的战斗却并不简单亦或容易。这是一场漫长而痛苦的鏖战,不是用了几天、几个月,而是耗费了几年、几十年。 But we emerged anew in the great battle for freedom: a battle between democracy and autocracy, between liberty and repression, between a rules-based order and one governed by brute force. 但我们重新出现在争取自由的伟大斗争中:民主与专制之间的战斗、自由与镇压之间的战斗、基于规则的秩序与由暴力统治的秩序之间的斗争。 In this battle, we need to be clear-eyed. This battle will not be won in days or months either. We need to steel ourselves for the long fight ahead. 在这场战斗中,我们需要保持清醒。因为这场战斗也不会在几天或几个月内获胜。我们需要为未来的长期斗争做好准备。 Mr. President, Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Mayor, members of the Parliament, distinguished guests, and the people of Poland, and I suspect some people of Ukraine that are here: We’re — (applause) — we are gathered here at the Royal Castle in this city that holds a sacred place in the history of not only of Europe, but humankind’s unending search for freedom. 总统先生、总理先生、市长先生、国会议员们、尊贵的客人们和所有的波兰人民们,以及我猜在座的还有一些乌克兰的同胞们:我们——(掌声)——我们聚集在这里,在这座城市的皇家城堡中,这座城市不仅在欧洲历史上,而且在人类对自由的无休止追求中,都拥有着神圣的地位。 For generations, Warsaw has stood where liberty has been challenged and liberty has prevailed. 几代人以来,华沙一直站在自由久经挑战但依旧盛行于世的地方。 In fact, it was here in Warsaw when a young refugee, who fled her home country from Czechoslovakia was under Soviet domination, came back to speak and stand in solidarity with dissidents. 事实上,正是在华沙,一名从捷克斯洛伐克逃离故国的年轻难民在苏联的统治下回来发言并与持不同政见者站在一起。 Her name was Madeleine Korbel Albright. She became — (applause) — one of the most ardent supporters of democracy in the world. She was a friend with whom I served. America’s first woman Secretary of State. She passed away three days ago. 她的名字就是玛德琳·科贝尔·奥尔布赖特。她成为——(掌声)——世界上最热心的民主政治的支持者之一。她是一位我曾为之服务过的朋友,也是美国的第一位女国务卿。她就三天前刚刚去世了。 She fought her whole life for essential democratic principles. And now, in the perennial struggle for democracy and freedom, Ukraine and its people are on the frontlines fighting to save their nation. 她一生都在为基本的民主原则而奋斗。而现在,在争取民主和自由的长期斗争中,乌克兰及其人民站正在前线为拯救他们的国家而战。 And their brave resistance is part of a larger fight for an essential democratic principles that unite all free people: the rule of law; free and fair elections; the freedom to speak, to write, and to assemble; the freedom to worship as one chooses; freedom of the press. 他们英勇的抵抗是为了团结所有热爱自由的人民,以追求基本的民主原则为目标,从而争取更大的民主斗争的一部分:法治;自由公正的选举;言论、写作和集会的自由;信仰自由以及出版自由。 These principles are essential in a free society. (Applause.) But they have always — they have always been under siege. They’ve always been embattled. Every generation has had to defeat democracy’s mortal foes. That’s the way of the world — for the world is imperfect, as we know. Where the appetites and ambitions of a few forever seek to dominate the lives and liberties of many. 这些原则在一个自由的社会中是必不可少的。(掌声)但它们一直——它们一直被围困。他们总是四面楚歌。因此,每一代人都必须去打败民主的死敌。这就是世界运行的方式——正如我们所知,世界并是不完美的。拥有欲望与野心的一小部分人永远都试图去主宰大多数人的生活和自由。 My message to the people of Ukraine is the message I delivered today to Ukraine’s Foreign Minister and Defense Minister, who I believe are here tonight: We stand with you. Period. (Applause.) 今晚,我要给所有乌克兰人民传达的信息也是我要向乌克兰外交部长和国防部长所传达的信息,我相信他们今晚也在这里:我们与你们站在一起。就是这样。 (掌声。) Today’s fighting in Kyiv and Mariupol and Kharkiv are the latest battle in a long struggle: Hungary, 1956; Poland, 1956 then again 1981; Czechoslovakia, 1968. 今天,发生在基辅、马里乌波尔和哈尔科夫的战斗就是这场长期战斗的最新的斗争;匈牙利,1956;波兰,1956,而后还有1981;捷克斯洛伐克,1968。 Soviet tanks crushed democratic uprisings, but the resistance continued until finally, in 1989, the Berlin Wall and all of the walls of Soviet domination — they fell. They fell. And the people prevailed. (Applause.) 苏联坦克曾镇压了民主起义,但抵抗一直持续到最后,1989年,柏林墙和苏联统治的所有城墙都倒塌了。 他们倒下了,而人民取得了胜利。 (掌声。) But the battle for democracy could not conclude and did not conclude with the end of the Cold War. 但争取民主的战斗不能终止,也从未随着冷战的结束而结束。 Over the last 30 years, the forces of autocracy have revived all across the globe. Its hallmarks are familiar ones: contempt for the rule of law, contempt for democratic freedom, contempt for the truth itself. 在过去的三十年里,专制势力在全球范围内卷土重来。 它依旧带着人们所熟悉的特征:蔑视法治、蔑视民主自由、蔑视真相本身。 Today, Russia has strangled democracy — has sought to do so elsewhere, not only in its homeland. Under false claims of ethnic solidarity, it has invalidated [invaded] neighboring nations. 今天,俄罗斯已经扼杀了民主——不仅是在它自己的国家,它还试图在其他地方也这样做。 在民族团结的虚假主张下,它在对邻国的[入侵]一词上丧失约束。 Putin has the gall to say he’s “de-Nazifying” Ukraine. It’s a lie. It’s just cynical. He knows that. And it’s also obscene. 普京竟胆敢说他正在对乌克兰“去纳粹化”。这是一个谎言。这只是他的一种愤世嫉俗。他知道这一点。而且这种说话还很无耻。 President Zelenskyy was democratically elected. He’s Jewish. His father’s family was wiped out in the Nazi Holocaust. And Putin has the audacity, like all autocrats before him, to believe that might will make right. 泽连斯基总统是经民主选举产生的, 他是一位犹太人。 他父亲的家人在纳粹大屠杀中都被残忍敌杀害了。 而普京就和他之前的所有独裁者一样,大胆地相信强权就可以决定是非。 In my own country, a former president named Abraham Lincoln voiced the opposing spirit to save our Union in the midst of a civil war. He said, “Let us have faith that right makes might.” “Right makes might.” (Applause.) 而在我自己的国家,一位名叫亚伯拉罕·林肯的前总统则表达了一种相反的精神,这种精神曾在内战中拯救了我们的联邦。 他说:“让我们相信正义可以创造力量。” “正义创造力量。” Today, let us now have that faith again. Let us resolve to put the strength of democracies into action to thwart the denigns [sic] of our — the designs of autocracy. Let us remember that the test of this moment is the test of all time. 今天,让我们再次拥有这种信念。 让我们下定决心将民主国家的力量付诸行动,挫败我们的否认者——这些独裁者们。 让我们记住,这一刻的考验也是所有时代的考验。 The Kremlin wants to portray NATO enlargement as an imperial project aimed at destabilizing Russia. Nothing is further from the truth. NATO is a defensive alliance. It has never sought the demise of Russia. 克里姆林宫希望将北约的扩大描述为一种旨在破坏俄罗斯国家稳定的帝国计划。 但事实远非如此。 北约是一个防御性质的联盟,它从未寻求过俄罗斯的灭亡。 In the lead-up to the current crisis, the United States and NATO worked for months to engage Russia to avert a war. I met with him in person and talked to him many times on the phone. 在当前的危机爆发之前,美国和北约曾花了几个月的时间与俄罗斯进行交涉以避免战争。 我本人也曾亲自与他会面,并多次通过电话与他交谈。 Time and again, we offered real diplomacy and concrete proposals to strengthen European security, enhance transparency, and build confidence on all sides. 我们为加强欧洲安全提供了一次又一次地真正的外交和具体建议,提高透明度,并在各方建立信任。 But Putin and Russia met each of the proposals with disinterest in any negotiation, with lies and ultimatums. Russia was bent on violence from the start. 但普京和俄罗斯对任何谈判都毫无兴趣,一直用谎言和最后通牒来应付所有提议。 俄罗斯从一开始就一心想要使用暴力。 I know not all of you believed me and us when we kept saying, “They are going to cross the border. They are going to attack.” 我知道,当我们一直说“他们就要越过边境,他们将要发起攻击”时,你们之中的很多人并不相信。 Repeatedly, he asserted, “We have no interest in war.” Guaranteed he would not move. 他一再声称,“我们对战争没有兴趣。”以保证他们不会出动。 Repeatedly saying he would not invade Ukraine. 他一再说他不会入侵乌克兰。 Repeatedly saying Russian troops along the border were there for “training” — all 180,000 of them. 他一再说边境沿线的俄罗斯军队只是在那里进行“训练”——足足有18万人。 There is simply no justification or provocation for Russia’s choice of war. It’s an example of one of the oldest of human impulses: using brute force and disinformation to satisfy a craving for absolute power and control. 俄罗斯选择战争根本没有任何的理由或是被挑衅。 这只是人类最古老的冲动之一:使用蛮力和虚假信息来满足对于绝对的权力和掌控的渴望。 It’s nothing less than a direct challenge to the rule-based international order established since the end of World War Two. 这无非是对第二次世界大战结束以来所建立起的基于规则的国际秩序的直接挑战。 And it threatens to return to decades of war that ravaged Europe before the international rule-based order was put in place. We cannot go back to that. We cannot. 它还威胁欧洲要回到基本的国际秩序建立之前的那饱经战争蹂躏的数十年光景中去。我们不能回去,我们不能。 The gravity of the threat is why the response of the West has been so swift and so powerful and so unified, unprecedented, and overwhelming. 这个威胁之严重就解释了为什么西方的反应能如此迅速、如此有力、如此统一、如此史无前例亦势不可挡。 Swift and punishing costs are the only things that are going to get Russia to change its course. 迅速和惩罚性的代价是能让俄罗斯改变方向的唯一因素。 Within days of its invasion, the West had moved jointly with sanctions to damage Russia’s economy. 在其入侵后的几天内,西方以联合制裁行动重挫了俄罗斯的经济。 Russia’s Central Bank is now blocked from the global financial systems, denying Kremlin’s access to the war fund it stashed around the globe. 俄罗斯中央银行现在被封锁在全球金融体系之外,以阻止克里姆林宫调用它在全球范围内所藏匿的战争基金。 We’ve aimed at the heart of Russia’s economy by stopping the imports of Russian energy to the United States. 我们的目标是通过阻止俄罗斯向美国进口能源来击垮俄罗斯的经济核心。 To date, the United States has sanctioned 140 Russian oligarchs and their family members, seizing their ill-begotten gains: their yachts, their luxury apartments, their mansions. 迄今为止,美国已经制裁了140名俄罗斯寡头及其家人,夺取了他们的不义之财:他们的游艇、豪华公寓以及豪宅。 We’ve sanctioned more than 400 Russian government officials, including key architects of this war. 我们已经制裁了400多名的俄罗斯政府官员,包括这场战争的主要策划者。 These officials and oligarchs have reaped enormous benefit from the corruption connected to the Kremlin, and now they have to share in the pain. 这些官员和寡头们曾在与克里姆林宫有关的贪腐中获得了巨大的利益,而现在他们必须承担痛苦。 The private sector is acting as well. Over 400 private multinational companies have pulled out of doing business in Russia — left Russia completely — from oil companies to McDonald’s. 私营部门也在采取行动。有400多家的私营跨国公司已经退出了它们在俄罗斯的业务——完全离开了俄罗斯——从石油公司到麦当劳。 As a result of these unprecedented sanctions, the ruble almost is immediately reduced to rubble. The Russian economy — (applause) — that’s true, by the way. It takes about 200 rubles to equal one dollar. 由于这些前所未有的制裁,卢布几乎立即沦为了瓦砾。顺便说一句,俄罗斯经济———(掌声)——这是真的。大约需要200卢布才能兑换一美元。 The economy is on track to be cut in half in the coming years. It was ranked — Russia’s economy was ranked the 11th biggest economy in the world before this evasion [sic] — invasion. It will soon not even rank among the top 20 in the world. (Applause.) 在未来几年中,经济有望减半。它曾经的排名——在这次规避[原文如此]之前,俄罗斯曾是经济排名世界第11位的大经济体。不久之后,它甚至不会再进入世界的前20名。 Taken together, these economic sanctions are a new kind of economic statecraft with the power to inflict damage that rivals military might. 总而言之,这些经济制裁手段是一种新型的经济治国之道,其力量同样可以与直接造成损伤的军事力量相媲美。 These international sanctions are sapping Russian strength, its ability to replenish its military, and its ability — its ability to project power. And it is Putin — it is Vladimir Putin who is to blame, period. 这些国际制裁正在削弱俄罗斯的力量、补充了军事的力量和投射的力量。应该受到责备的是普京——弗拉基米尔·普京。 At the same time, alongside these economic sanctions, the Western world has come together to provide for the people of Ukraine with incredible levels of military, economic, and humanitarian assistance. 与此同时,除了这些经济制裁以外,西方世界还联合在了一起,为乌克兰人民提供了令人难以置信的军事、经济和人道主义援助。 In the years before the invasion, we, America, had sent over $650 million, before they crossed the border, in weapons to Ukraine, including anti-air and anti-armor equipment. 在入侵前的几年时间里,我们,美国,在他们越过边界之前,就已经向乌克兰发送了超过6.5亿美元的武器,包括防空和反装甲设备。 Since the invasion, America has committed another $1.35 billion in weapons and ammunition. 自入侵以来,美国又陆续投入了 13.5 亿美元的武器和弹药。 And thanks to the courage and bravery of the Ukrainian people — (applause) — the equipment we’ve sent and our colleagues have sent have been used to devastating effect to defend Ukrainian land and airspace. Our Allies and partners have stepped up as well. 并且感谢乌克兰人民的勇气和刚毅——(掌声)——我们和我们的同事送来的设备已经被用来保护乌克兰的土地和领空,防止其造成毁灭性的影响。 我们的盟友和合作伙伴也加紧行动。 But as I’ve made clear: American forces are in Europe — not in Europe to engage in conflict with Russian forces. American forces are here to defend NATO Allies. 但正如我已经明确指出的:美国军队只是在欧洲,而不是在欧洲与俄罗斯军队发生了冲突。美国军队只是在这里保卫北约盟国。 Yesterday, I met with the troops that are serving alongside our Polish allies to bolster NATO’s frontline defenses. The reason we wanted to make clear is their movement on Ukraine: Don’t even think about moving on one single inch of NATO territory. 昨天,我会见了与我们的部队,他们为了强化北约的前线防御正同我们的波兰盟友并肩服役着。我们想澄清的原因是他们对于乌克兰的行动:想都不要想能踏进北约哪怕一英寸的领土。 We have a sacred obligation — (applause) — we have a sacred obligation under Article 5 to defend each and every inch of NATO territory with the full force of our collective power. 我们有神圣的义务——(掌声)——根据第 5 条,我们有神圣的义务用我们集体力量的全力保卫北约的每一寸领土。 And earlier today, I visited your National Stadium, where thousands of Ukrainian refugees are now trying to answer the toughest questions a human can ask: “My God, what’s going to happen to me? What’s going to happen to my family?” 今天早些时候,我参观了你们的国家体育场,那里成千上万的乌克兰难民正试图回答人类所能提出的最棘手的问题:“天哪,我会发生什么?我的家人会发生什么?” I saw tears in many of the mothers’ eyes as I embraced them; their young children — their young children not sure whether to smile or cry. One little girl said, “Mr. President” — she spoke a little English — “is my brother and my daddy — are they going to be okay? Will I see them again?” Without their husbands, their fathers, in many cases, their brothers or sisters who stayed back to fight for their country. 当我拥抱她们时,我看到许多母亲眼含热泪; 他们年幼的孩子——他们年幼的孩子不知道该笑还是该哭。 一个小女孩说:“总统先生”——她会说一点英语——“我哥哥和我爸爸——他们会没事吗? 我会再见到他们吗?” 没有他们的丈夫,没有他们的父亲,在许多情况之下,他们的兄弟或姐妹都选择了留下为国家而战。 I didn’t have to speak the language or understand the language to feel the emotion in their eyes, the way they gripped my hand, and little kids hung on to my leg, praying with a desperate hope that all this is temporary; apprehension that they may be perhaps forever away from their homes, almost with debilitating sadness that this is happening all over again. 我不必说出这种语言或理解这种语言才能感受到他们眼中的情感,他们抓住我手的方式,小孩子紧紧抓住我的腿,绝望地祈祷这一切都是暂时的;担心他们可能会永远远离家园,几乎带着令人衰弱的哀伤,因为这种情况又一次地发生。 But I was also struck by the generosity of the people of Warsaw — for that matter, all the Polish people — for the depths of their compassion, their willingness to reach out — (applause) — opening their hearts. 但我也对华沙人民的慷慨——就此而言,所有波兰人民——对他们的深厚同情心和伸出援手的意愿——(掌声)——敞开心扉而感到震惊。 I was saying to the Mayor they’re preparing to open their hearts and their homes simply to help. I also want to thank my friend, the great American chef, José Andrés, and his team who helped feeling [sic] those — (applause) — feeding those who are yearning to be free. 我对市长说,他们正准备敞开心扉和家园,只是为了提供帮助。我还要感谢我的朋友、伟大的美国厨师何塞·安德烈斯和他的团队,他们帮助给那些渴望自由的人提供了食物。 But helping these refugees is not something Poland or any other nation should carry alone. All the world democracies have a responsibility to help. All of them. And the people of Ukraine can count on the United States to meet its responsibility. 但帮助这些难民并不是波兰或任何一个其他的国家所应独自承担的。世界上所有的民主国家都有责任提供帮助,全部的民主国家。所有的乌克兰人民都可以指望美国去履行它的责任。 I’ve announced, two days ago, we will welcome 100,000 Ukrainian refugees. We already have 8,000 a week coming to the United States of other nat- — nationalities. 两天前,我宣布,我们将欢迎10万名的乌克兰难民。我们每周已经有8000人从其他本土国籍来到美国。 We’ll provide nearly $300 million of humanitarian assistance, providing tens of thousands of tons of food, water, medicine, and other basic supplies. 我们将提供近3亿美元的人道主义援助,提供数万吨的食物、水、药品和其他基本用品。 In Brussels, I announced the United States is prepared to provide more than $1 billion, in addition, in humanitarian aid. 在布鲁塞尔,我宣布美国将准备提供超过10亿美元的人道主义援助。 The World Food Programme told us that despite significant obstacles, at least some relief is getting to major cities in Ukraine, but not Metropol [sic] — no, excuse me, Mar- — not Mariupol, because Russian forces are blocking relief supplies. 世界粮食计划署告诉我们尽管存在重重阻碍,乌克兰的主要城市至少得到了一些缓解,但这不包括马里乌波尔,因为俄罗斯军队正在封锁那里的救援物资。 But we’ll not cease our efforts to get humanitarian relief wherever it is needed in Ukraine and for the people who’ve made it out of Ukraine. 但我们不会停止努力去为乌克兰任何需要帮助的地方以及已经逃离乌克兰的人们提供人道主义救济。 Notwithstanding the brutality of Vladimir Putin, let there be no doubt that this war has already been a strategic failure for Russia already. (Applause.) Having lost children myself — I know that’s no solace to the people who’ve lost family. 尽管弗拉基米尔·普京如此残暴,但毫无疑问,这场战争对于俄罗斯来说已经是战略上的失败。(掌声。)我自己也失去了孩子——我知道这对失去家人的人来说并不是安慰。 But he, Putin, thought Ukrainians would roll over and not fight. Not much of a student of history. Instead, Russian forces have met their match with brave and stiff Ukrainian resistance. 但他,普京,认为乌克兰人会翻身但不会战斗,没学过什么历史。但恰恰相反,俄罗斯军队遭遇了它们的敌手——勇敢而顽强的乌克兰人的奋起抵抗。 Rather than breaking Ukrainian resolve, Russia’s brutal tactics have strengthened the resolve. (Applause.) 俄罗斯的野蛮策略非但没有打碎乌克兰人的决心,反而更加坚定了乌克兰人的决心。 (掌声。) Rather than driving NATO apart, the West is now stronger and more united than it has ever been. (Applause.) 这非但没有驱使北约分崩离析,反而让西方比以往任何时候都更强大、更团结。 Russia wanted less of a NATO presence on its border, but now he has [we have] a stronger presence, a larger presence, with over a hundred thousand American troops here, along with all the other members of NATO. 俄罗斯希望在其边境减少北约的存在,但现在他(我们)拥有更强大的存在,更大的存在,这里有超过十万的美军以及北约的所有其他成员。 In fact — (applause) — Russia has managed to cause something I’m sure he never intended: The democracies of the world are revitalized with purpose and unity found in months that we’d once taken years to accomplish. 事实上——(掌声)——俄罗斯已经成功地促成了一件我敢肯定他从未想过的事情:全世界的民主国家在几个月内就实现了我们曾经需要数年才能完成的团结和目标。 It’s not only Russia’s actions in Ukraine that are reminding us of democracy’s blessing. It’s our own country — his own country, the Kremlin, is jailing protestors. Two hundred thousand people have allegedly already left. There’s a brain drain — leaving Russia. Shutting down independent news. State media is all propaganda, blocking the image of civilian targets, mass graves, starvation tactics of the Russian forces in Ukraine. 不仅仅是俄罗斯在乌克兰的行动提醒了我们民主的赐福。这是我们自己的国家——他自己的国家,克里姆林宫正在监禁着抗议者。据称,已经有20万人离开了。人才外流——离开俄罗斯。关闭独立新闻。国家媒体全部都是宣传,屏蔽了俄罗斯驻乌克兰军队的以平民为目标、万人坑和饥饿战术的形象。 Is it any wonder, as I said, that 200,000 Russians have all left their country in one month? A remarkable brain drain in such a short period of time, which brings me to my message to the Russian people: 正如我所说,20万俄罗斯人在一个月内都离开了他们的国家,这有什么奇怪的吗?在如此短的时间内,出现了惊人的人才外流,这让我想起了我给俄罗斯人民的信息: I’ve worked with Russian leaders for decades. I sat across the negotiating table going all the way back to Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin to talk arms control at the height of the Cold War. 我与俄罗斯领导人合作了几十年。我坐在谈判桌对面,一路回到与苏联总理阿列克谢·科西金在冷战高峰期谈论军备控制的时候。 I’ve always spoken directly and honestly to you, the Russian people. 我一直直言不讳对你们说,俄罗斯人民。 Let me say this, if you’re able to listen: You, the Russian people, are not our enemy. 如果你们能听的话, 让我这么说:你们,俄罗斯人民,不是我们的敌人。 I refuse to believe that you welcome the killing of innocent children and grandparents or that you accept hospitals, schools, maternity wards that, for God’s sake, are being pummeled with Russian missiles and bombs; or cities being surrounded so that civilians cannot flee; supplies cut off and attempting to starve Ukrainians into submission. 我不相信你们欢迎杀害无辜的孩子和祖父母们,也不相信你接受让医院、学校、产科病房,看在上帝的份上,这些医院、学校、产科病房正在遭到俄罗斯导弹和炸弹的猛击;或使城市被包围,使平民无法逃离;切断供应并试图让乌克兰人饱受饥饿。 Millions of families are being driven from their homes, including half of all Ukraine’s children. These are not the actions of a great nation. 数以百万计的家庭被赶出家园,其中包括了一半的乌克兰儿童。 这些都不是大国的作为。 Of all people, you, the Russian people, as well as all people across Europe, still have the memory of being in a similar situation in the late thirties and forties — the situation of World War Two — still fresh in the minds of many grandparents in the region. 所有的人,你们、俄罗斯人民以及整个欧洲的人民仍然记忆犹新,在三十年代末到四十年代,即第二次世界大战时的情形——该地区许多祖父母们仍然记忆犹新。 What — whatever your generation experienced — whether it experienced the Siege of Leningrad or heard about it from your parents and grandparents — train stations overflowing with terrified families fleeing their homes; nights sheltering in basements and cellars; mornings sitting through the rubble in your homes — these are not memories of the past. Not anymore. Because it’s exactly what the Russian army is doing in Ukraine right now. 无论你们这一代人经历了什么——无论是经历了列宁格勒围城战,还是从父母和祖父母那里听说过——火车站里挤满了逃离家园的惊恐家庭;在地下室和地窖里避难的夜晚;早上坐在你家的废墟中——这些都不是对过去的回忆。不再是了。因为这正是俄罗斯军队现在在乌克兰所做出的事情。 March 26, 2022. Just days before — we’re at the twenty-fir- — you were a 21st century nation with hopes and dreams that people all over the world have for themselves and their family. 2022年3月26日。就在几天前——我们正处于21世纪——你是一个21世纪的国家,全世界人民都在对自己和家人满怀希望和梦想。 Now, Vladimir Putin’s aggression have cut you, the Russian people, off from the rest of the world, and it’s taking Russia back to the 19th century. 现在,弗拉基米尔·普京的侵略切断了你们,俄罗斯人民与世界其他地区的联系,并将俄罗斯带回了19世纪。 This is not who you are. This is not the future reserve — you deserve for your families and your children. I’m telling you the truth: This war is not worthy of you, the Russian people. 这不是你们,这不是未来的预备役——你们应该为你的家人和孩子服务。我实话告诉你们:俄罗斯人民,这场战争配不上你们。 Putin can and must end this war. The American people stand with you and the brave citizens of Ukraine who want peace. 普京能而且必须结束这场战争。美国人民与你们和想要和平的勇敢的乌克兰公民站在一起。 And my message to the rest of Europe: This new battle for freedom has already made a few things crystal clear. 而我传达给欧洲其他国家的信息:这场新的自由之战已经清楚地表明了一些事情。 First, Europe must end its dependence on Russian fossil fuels. And we, the United States, will help. (Applause.) That’s why just yesterday, in Brussels, I announced a plan with the President of the European Commission to get Europe through the immediate energy crisis. 首先,欧洲必须结束对俄罗斯化石燃料的依赖。我们,美国,将会提供帮助。(掌声。)这就是为什么就在昨天,我在布鲁塞尔与欧盟委员会主席宣布了一项计划,让欧洲度过当前的能源危机。 Over the long term, as a matter of economic security and national security and for the survivability of the planet, we all need to move as quickly as possible to clean, renewable energy. And we’ll work together to help get that done so that the days of any nation being subject to the whims of a tyrant for its energy needs are over. They must end. They must end. 从长远来看,为了经济安全和国家安全以及地球的生存,我们都需要尽快转向清洁的可再生能源。我们将共同努力帮助完成这项工作,这样任何国家都因能源需求而受制于暴君的心血来潮的日子就已经结束了。他们必须结束。他们必须结束。 And second, we have to fight the corruption coming from the Kremlin to give the Russian people a fair chance. 其次,我们必须打击来自克里姆林宫的腐败,给俄罗斯人民一个公平的机会。 And finally, and most urgently, we maintain absolute unity — we must — among the world’s democracies. 最后,也是最紧迫的,我们必须在全世界的民主国家之间保持绝对的团结。 It’s not enough to speak with rhetorical flourish, of ennobling words of democracy, of freedom, equality, and liberty. All of us, including here in Poland, must do the hard work of democracy each and every day. My country as well. 这绝不仅仅是对民主、平等、自由的夸夸其谈。我们所有人,包括波兰人,每一天都必须为了民主而艰苦奋斗。我的国家也是一样。 That’s why — (applause) — that’s why I came to Europe again this week with a clear and determined message for NATO, for the G7, for the European Union, for all freedom-loving nations: We must commit now to be in this fight for the long haul. We must remain unified today and tomorrow and the day after and for the years and decades to come. (Applause.) 这就是为什么——(掌声)——这就是为什么我本周再次来到欧洲,向北约、七国集团、欧盟和所有热爱自由的国家传递这个明确而坚定的信息:我们现在必须承诺长期参与这场斗争。 我们必须在今天、明天、后天以及未来的岁月里保持统一。 (掌声。) It will not be easy. There will be costs. But it’s a price we have to pay. Because the darkness that drives autocracy is ultimately no match for the flame of liberty that lights the souls of free people everywhere. 这并没有那么简单。会有一些成本。但这是我们必须付出的代价。 因为驱动独裁的黑暗最终无法与照亮世界各地的自由人民灵魂的自由之火相匹敌。 Time and again, history shows that it’s from the darkest moments that the greatest progress follows. And history shows this is the task of our time, the task of this generation. 历史一再证明,最大的进步来自最黑暗的时刻。历史表明,这是我们时代的任务,这一代人的任务。 Let’s remember: The hammer blow that brought down the Berlin Wall, the might that lifted the Iron Curtain were not the words of a single leader; it was the people of Europe who, for decades, fought to free themselves. 让我们记住:推倒柏林墙的锤击,掀起铁幕的威力,都不是来自某个领导人的话; 几十年来,是欧洲人民一直在为解放自己而战。 Their sheer bravery opened the border between Austria and Hungary for the Pan-European Picnic. They joined hands for the Baltic Way. They stood for Solidarity here in Poland. And together, it was an unmistakable and undeniable force of the people that the Soviet Union could not withstand. 他们的非凡勇气为欧洲野餐计划打开了奥地利和匈牙利之间的边界。他们携手前行,以最长人链走出了波罗的海之路 。他们在波兰团结一致。众志成城,形成了一股不容置疑和不容否认的人民力量、一股苏联无法抗拒的力量。 And we’re seeing it once again today with the brave Ukrainian people, showing that their power of many is greater than the will of any one dictator. (Applause.) 今天,我们再次从勇敢无畏的乌克兰人民身上看到了这一点,它表明:民众的力量远大于任何一个独裁者的意志。(掌声) So, in this hour, let the words of Pope John Paul burn as brightly today: “Never, ever give up hope, never doubt, never tire, never become discouraged. Be not afraid.” (Applause.) 所以,在这一时刻,让教皇约翰·保罗的话语在今天同样明亮地放射光焰:“永远不要放弃希望,永远不要动摇,不要倦怠,不要灰心。不要害怕。”(掌声) A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never erase a people’s love for liberty. Brutality will never grind down their will to be free. Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia — for free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness. 一个执意重建帝国的独裁者永远不能抹去人民对自由的热爱。残暴永远不会磨灭他们的自由意志。俄罗斯永远不会在乌克兰取胜——因为自由的人民拒绝生活在一个绝望和黑暗的世界中。 We will have a different future — a brighter future rooted in democracy and principle, hope and light, of decency and dignity, of freedom and possibilities. 我们将拥有一个不同的未来——一个植根于民主和原则、希望和光明、体面和尊严、自由和无限机遇的更加光明的未来。 For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power. 看在上帝的份上,不能让这个人再继续掌权。 God bless you all. And may God defend our freedom. (Applause.) And may God protect our troops. Thank you for your patience. Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you.” 上帝保佑你们。愿上帝捍卫我们的自由。(掌声)愿上帝护佑我们的军队。感谢你们的耐心。谢谢你们。(掌声)谢谢。谢谢你们。 |